We did BYOB - Scratch right before Winter Break to move from learning about the Internet to programming. Nice (and unplanned) side effect, it has made methods in C++ much easier for the students. I wish I had designed this nice transition. The reality was that day two of methods one of the kids turned around and yelled across the room "This isnt hard - its just like all those blocks we did in Scratch before Christmas".
Well, duh.
Sidewalk Chalk |
So the Friday before the test we had one of those days. Any public school teacher knows those days. I lost power to 1/3 of the lab (future reference the breaker box is in the boiler room, panel 4). And a mouse, four-legged kind. A very active mouse.
There is a point where no matter how beautiful your lesson plans are, you just have to dump and run. Kids were distracted and we really couldnt do our computer practice. So we went outside.
I borrowed some chalk and put the kids in teams of three. I gave each group a copy of the lab well do at the end of next unit. The lab has them design methods for a calendar program. They have to count the number of days left in a month, return the total number of days in a month, then using these they have to count the total number of days between two dates.
We havent done ifs or loops yet, so this is not something they could code in C++, but I was curious to see how they did. They each had to sketch out an algorithms they could use to find a solution.
And the mouse is gone- I caught in a cup later that day and he was released back into the garden.
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