Thursday, June 30, 2016

Vocab information finish FA4

Before you begin working in Word to finish FA4 we are going to cover some of what is on the vocab list for this week.  All of this weeks words are related to the Internet in some way.

What is a .com website and what does .com stand for?

What is a .org website and what does .org stand for?

What is a .edu website and what does .edu stand for?

What is a .net website and what does .net stand for?

What other top level domain names can you think of that were not included on the vocab list for this week?  I have several and will be sharing those with you in class.  See how many you can get!

Once we get done discussing the top level domains (or TLDs as they are commonly referred to) we will get back to business and complete FA4 - it should be completed by the end of class today and submitted to me.
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Authores nilesh

COMPUTER KNOWLEDGE SHOWROOM is one of the Google and Clickbank business partner. Those advertiser were formed to satisfy customer requirements for quality Computer products, services and others which related to business online.
These advertiser have received a great deal of recognition and has been written up in many major publications. This computer Knowledge Web will provide all of their products in other side and has key goal is to provide a premium service, which delivers effective solutions, and provides exceptional value to their customers and clients. As a result, the computer Knowledge Web has surpassed many major competitors in a very fast paced and competitive business online.
Computer Knowledge Web offers over 30,000 parts with huge inventory in stock to maintain delivery of all orders in a timely manner. We recognize that every client has its own unique perspective and goals that often require innovative and new approaches. Therefore, Google Clickbank highly qualified sales and support staff are always ready to help clients fulfill all their computing and other needs. Also, Computer Knowledge Web will give you about web tutorial, IT know knowledge, and all off information technology.
The COMPUTER KNOWLEDGE SHOWROOM products, expertise and service you need to make your business successful. Fast shipping, fast answers, the industrys largest in-stock inventories, custom configurations and more. Just find the seller link and find the product you need on their site. You can get all of Information Technology Products need here... lets Enjoy your browsing......., it is my intention to provide the highest level of customer service. I aim to make your first and every purchase with Computer Knowledge Web Ads
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Friday, June 24, 2016


This is my computer blog and i will be telling you what i so in computer class every week. bye.
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Modem video review learn left shift and period

We have a couple of housekeeping items to begin with today:
  1. Make up times for classwork include: before school (except Wednesdays when I have morning duty), lunch recess, Study Hall (for those not in Band or Choir), or after school (until 3:30).  Plan accordingly if you need to use one of these times.
  2. Assessments - if you tell me when you come in the room it makes leaving for the assessment much less a distraction.  Then, when it is time for you to leave you can just quietly get up and go, and Ill know why you are leaving (you wont have to raise your hand and interrupt whatever were doing - you can just go).

The below video will help to explain what a modem is (a modem is one of the vocab words for this week...if its your vocab word and you think you need to change the definition after watching the video then you can change it when you get home tonight).

We will start with a review of all the keys weve learned, but todays review will be a little different from what weve done in the past.  Youll need to think of a word that has at least 4 letters in it that we can type from all the letters we know on the keyboard - Ill explain the rest in class.

When we get done with this we will learn the left shift key (L4) and the period (R3).

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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Redefining Teachers in the Internet Age

Is teaching still relevant?

Throughout history, to become educated was to join the collective of human thought. To participate, we needed a pass key. Our very oldest tradition in handing over the key is teaching: One human sharing collected knowledge with another human.

As time moves on humans continue to acquire tools, many aiding this process of teaching -- of passing knowledge to the next generation. Songs, stories, written language, paper, books, an eventually the printing press brought ever wider groups of people into contact with this always-expanding collection of human knowledge.

And so we can read Pliny the Youngers first-hand account of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius at Pompeii and can see the notebooks in which DaVinci captured his inventions. This collection of knowledge is the single most powerful human creation.

Aiding each generation passing along and preserving this living trove of our collective genius, there were teachers. Not always as we think of them now, tethered to school buildings. But individuals able to collect, communicate and pass their knowledge along.

Today the latest development in storing and retrieving human collective thought, the Internet, brings a major disruption to this tradition of human-to-human conference.

Anyone can access this collective -- nearly all of it -- with a handheld device that most of us carry in our pockets. Individuals have available much more information than ever before. Some of it factual and well reasoned, some of it incendiary and one sided. Quite a lot of it is trivial and frankly salacious.

So now, more than any other time in human history, the individual chooses how and what parts of this vast and ever expanding collection are compelling and meaningful to them.

This rise in access to information parallels in this country the decline in regard for teachers. This hardly seems coincidental. Since we no longer need to visit a building and interact with an expert to gain facts and information, what use have we for a teacher?

While the point of access has changed the need for filtering these facts with experience and wisdom has not.  In redefining this role we must analyze what is needed in this new era. Is the acquisition of facts and data enough?

This is the second role of the teacher. Not just a distributor of information, they also provide context. Knowledge is more than just a list of facts. It is also this context and analysis that can change facts into action and expression.

The Internet offers a vast and deep sea of information. In this era of omni-availability of data we must recognize the importance of offering guidance as students interact with information. Self selecting the latest celebrity gossip about Kim Kardashian is simply not the same as participating in a lively debate about the sociological implications of the suffrage movement.

Teachers are not just there to distribute information, but now serve as cartographers of this new ocean. They tell the stories that give our collected knowledge context. They expose us to new ways of combining our experiences and introduce us to subjects we might never have self selected.

As our education becomes ever more personal and individualized there comes an even more pressing need to have an expert guide us at certain points along the way.

Comment below to define the debate - is the Internet fundamentally redefining teaching?  What do you think?

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Finish FA8 vocab definitions missing assignments

Today you need to finish FA8 in class and submit it for a grade.

Once you are done if you have any missing assignments those should be completed and submitted also.

If you have vocab definitions to do for either Week 9 (next week) or Week 10 you may use this time to get those done.

If you are all caught up you have several choices - work on any homework from another class, go to the practice websites, or read a book.
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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Start Internet Safety Project

Today we will begin working on the Internet Safety project.  You will be working with a partner on this project, so we are going to discuss how you can make sure that you both have access to the same information using your Google Drive and documents.

Once we complete that we will take a look at the Internet Safety page on the blog.  Here you will find all the information you will need for this project.  You are welcome to do your own search outside of what you find on the blog, but my research has shown me that what is listed here is plenty to help you cover what you will be doing with the project.

You and your partner will need to decide on 4 areas of Internet Safety to present on.  You can choose among these areas to research:


If the Internet Safety page has a link to a website that no longer works, or takes you to a website that doesnt have anything to do with Internet Safety please let me know so I can fix it (or delete it, depending on the situation).
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Formatting Activity 1

Today we are going to complete our first formatting activity.  This should be an easy way for everyone to help their grade - this formatting activity (or FA as I like to abbreviate them) will ask you to do some simple formatting in Microsoft Word, such as change your font, font size, and highlighting text.  Unfortunately, I cant be here today so I am going to leave you with the following video that should help guide you with what you need to accomplish.

In addition to completing the formatting activity you will need to attach the file you create (the assignment) to an email.  DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, ATTACH A GOOGLE DOC FILE TO YOUR EMAIL AND SEND IT TO ME!!! If you go to the How To page on the blog there is a video labeled "Attach a File to Gmail" that you need to watch to learn how to attach your desktop file to your email so you can send it to me.

Your complete attention will be directed at the video while it is playing - anyone caught working on the assignment before the video is completed will lose 10% of the value of the assignment (or in this case 1.5 pts since the assignment will be worth 14 pts).

In addition to watching the video, remember that there is a vocab quiz tomorrow - please prepare accordingly.  The video is embedded next; below the video are the instructions to FA1.  IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT YOU FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS TO ALL OF THE FORMATTING ACTIVITIES IN ORDER, AND COMPLETELY READ EACH INSTRUCTION BEFORE WORKING TO COMPLETE THE INSTRUCTION!! 

If, and when, you get done with FA1 and you have sent me the email with your attached document you will need to go to the practice websites on the blog.  You may practice using any of the lessons or games, but the speed skin must stay on your keyboard.

Below are the instructions to FA1


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Vocab Quiz 9 finish FA12

You will be given several minutes at the beginning of class to review for the vocab quiz.  Please do not go to Classmarker until I tell you do so.

After the quiz you will have the rest of the hour to complete, print out, and hand in FA12.  Please make sure to staple all of the pages together before you hand them in.  When you do finish you should have 4 pages total...if you have less or more it is likely that you didnt do something correct.  In other words, if you dont have 4 pages you may want to take a close look at what you might have done wrong.
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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Stop Painful Parent Conferences You need an Action Plan

It is that time of year...pool, fireflies, and skipping seniors.

Inevitably I end up with a small group of students in danger of failing computer science because of a ridiculous backlog of missing work. Especially if the student needs the class to graduate there can be a lot of pressure and friction in this situation.

A few years back, after a particularly ugly round I had a brilliant idea - the action plan. I use this strategy to inject sanity into these stressful parent interactions.

It is a two step process.
  1. I have the students sign a plan that lists all the work they need to turn in.The key to this is use specific due dates. Dont do the work on time? You dont pass.
  2. I get them to sign it and mail a copy home, then call to let the parents know it is coming. Every time they miss an appointment to do the work, I call home.
I cannot begin to tell you how many headaches this avoids. Parents know exactly what is coming, and the student has an exact plan for how to improve the grade. Most of my students now successfully finish their step-by-step plan and end up passing.
For a kid that has fallen behind seeing a list of items listed by date takes an overwhelming problem and makes it doable.

And for the kids that dont do it? It creates perfect documentation of how I tried to help them pass. It has removed almost all of  the tension form those end of the year parent conferences.

You can download a copy here.
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Monday, June 20, 2016

First vocab quiz keying review

We will take a few minutes at the beginning of the hour to review the vocab words for this week.  You will want to go to the Wikispaces page for your class to do that (remember that to get to your Wikispaces page you need to go to the vocabulary page on the blog and click on the class hour link). DO NOT GO TO CLASSMARKER UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO!

Once you are done with the quiz you need to open Microsoft Word and type lines 1-10 on 4C at the bottom of page 9 in the book.

When you complete those 10 lines you may go to the following websites and practice:

Typing Lessons (you can work on lessons 1, 2 or 3)

Sense-Lang (work on lessons 1-5)

Free Typing Games (you can type lessons 1-4, 6, 10, and 15)

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Spring Break Plans

So every year I go into Spring Break with the delusion I am going to have bundles of time to do all the things I do not have time to do the rest of the school year.

Reality is I run negotiations between squabbling children, nap, knit, and read a lot of bad mysteries. If it would ever stop snowing around here Id plant lettuce.

I usually do squeeze a few teaching related things in. Here are the front-runners at this point"

  • NCLab - python, Karel the robot, etc
  • CoeLesson - PHP, MySQL
  • Sphero - the Robotic Programmable Ball (its waterproof!)
  • Looking at the Virginia licensure regulations for Computer Science - they are a total mess. Seriously, let me know if you want to help with them...we need it.
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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Know The Mobile Number of Any Sim Card

Know The Mobile Number of Any Sim Card

I am providing the trick to know   mobile number of any sim card. This is not exactly a trick

 but a method  of changing your mobile  number to Tata Docomo  but More importantly you

 will be able to know   your  Number .So Let us Try it.

You can use this trick to know  your Mobile Number as well as the Number of any Sim Card. 

Just follow the  below  given steps :
  •            Dial a Toll Free Number- 18002660000
  • ·          You will hear the sound of computer
  • ·         Choose the language of your choice
  • ·         Press 3
  • ·         Then 2
  • ·         At last Press 3

·         That’s it and it will tell you your number just Note it and enjoy
It is successfully tested in following operators:
·         Airtel
·         Tata Docomo
·         BSNL
·         UNINOR
·         RELIANCE
·         AIRCEL
·         VODAFONE

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Exit passes Google account changes

Exit passes - each of you will get 4 passes for the semester to use to leave class to go to your locker or to the restroom.  If you need to do one or the other you come ask me, then youll need to grab a blue sheet (these will be on the island near the electric stapler and electric pencil sharpener), take it with you (it will act as your hall pass), and then bring it back to the room with you, sign it, and then hand it in.  The ones that you dont use will be counted as extra credit at the end of the semester.

Today we are going to start with making two changes to your Google account.  Actually, we are going to add two things to your Google account.

First, we are going to add a contact in your Gmail.  You need to have at least one contact in your Gmail account, and that is me.  My email address is included below.

Here is how you create a contact in Gmail:
  1. Click on "Gmail" in the top left.
  2. Choose "Contacts"
  3. Click on "New Contact"
  4. Fill in appropriate information
  5. My school email address is
The next thing we are going to accomplish is to create whats called a signature.  The purpose of the signature, in terms of an email account, is that you can automatically add your signature to every outgoing email message that you send.  This is useful because you should always include your name at the end of every email.

Here is how you create a personal signature for your Gmail account:
  1. Click on the settings wheel in the top right.
  2. Choose "Settings"
  3. Scroll down to "Signature"
  4. Fill in appropriate information
  5. Format as you please
  6. Click on "Save changes" at bottom
If you have a signature and choose to include it with your emails it is going to include it every time you send an email.  

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    Saturday, June 18, 2016

    Microsoft Excel review FA12

    As a reminder, if you have definitions for Week 9 vocab (thats this week) you need to make sure to post your definitions to the wiki spaces page no later than tonight to get credit.  If you need help please see me.

    Today we are going to review in Microsoft Excel.  Its been almost two weeks since youve done anything with Excel so my guess is most of you have forgotten many of the things we covered before Thanksgiving.  If we get done with our review we will take a look at what you need to know in order to complete FA12, which is also completed using Excel.
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    May schedule Excel project beginning

    Im going to include in this blogpost the schedule for the remainder of the year.  Obviously this could change if needed; however, my hope is that with us being so close to the end of the year that we wont need to make any changes and that the rest of the year will run smoothly.

    May 5 - vocab video, Excel project beginning (Homework - post any definitions to Wiki spaces)
    May 6 - vocab video, Excel project work (Homework - post any definitions to Wiki spaces)
    May 7 - vocab video, Excel project due (Mr. Pardoe gone 6th hour due to Medieval Times Feast)
    May 8 - vocab video, final formatting activity beginning ("Design a Pizza Menu")
    May 9 - Vocab quiz #10, Design a Pizza Menu work (Mr. Pardoe gone all day due to Medieval Times field trip)
    May 12 - ASPIRE testing (Mr. Pardoe gone)
    May 13 - Design a Pizza Menu work (Mr. Pardoe gone)
    May 14 - Design a Pizza Menu due
    May 15 - Our Town unit
    May 16 - Our Town unit
    May 19 - Our Town unit
    May 20 - Our Town unit
    May 21 - Our Town field trip all day
    May 22 - complete missing assignments
    May 23 - complete missing assignments - all assignments due by by this date!

    Once we get done watching the video I will explain what you need to know in Excel for the formatting activity, which is a business called Funspots and their monthly admission ticket sales activity that you need to complete. 
    Funspots ticket sales.docx

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    Today we are going to start working on FA5, which is technically called a letter in modified block format.  I am going to explain the finer details of the letter in class first, then youll be on your own to complete the letter.  This will be due at the end of class on Friday.

    A couple of reminders...the crossword puzzle is due tomorrow.  If you are done now you can hand it in today, but it must be handed in no later than tomorrow to earn full credit.  Also, as you know we dont have a vocab quiz this week, but if you have vocab definitions for Week 6 you only have until next Tuesday to get those posted on the Wiki page.

    Activity 5.doc

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    Friday, June 17, 2016

    CSTA Central VA April Meeting

    We had a great meeting last night. Thank you so much to Lynne Norris at Deep run for hosting.

    Some news:

    David Walter from Virginia State was with us. VSU will have a Google 4 HS teacher program this summer. Details soon.

    Several folks are going to the JMU event this summer. This is a great way to get some college credit if you are working towards certification

    We also talked about

    Teacher licensure - the state is still planning on updating the CS endorsement - we need to be a part of that conversation. We especially need input from colleges. It was pointed out that the courses required should go by the ACM list of college computer science courses.

    Where should CS fit? Several states are letting Computer Science classes replace a math or science for a graduation credit. Should Virginia follow?

    Updates to the new APCS Principles course - first test in 2016-2017. We need to work on getting the state DOE to add a course number for it.

    Changes to APCS, specifically no more Gridworld after the 2014 exam Competitions and camps for kids - looking at ways to get more kids involved

    Possibly building some kits of materials owned by the chapter folks can check out to use - like a library. Especially for some of the more expensive items like the Mindstorms.

    Eileen  showcased the new Lego Mindstorms. Top secret stuff that I cant put in writing, but they will be out hopefully later this year. You will want one.

    We also looked at the Finches with both BYOB Snap and Java. Email me if you would like some sample programs in Java to try with the Finches.

    And if you havent already please fill out the membership info. We need this to report to national CSTA:


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    Top Level Domains HTML IP Address

    We are going to cover several of the items on the vocab list in todays class.  Top Level Domains, or TLDs, are the ending part of a web address (.com, .edu, .net, .org).

    HTML - this is the code that webpages are written in

    IP Address - Internet Protocol address - this is the series of 4 numbers that shows your location on the Internet.  If you want to know what your IP address is you can go to  Anyone who brings me their IP address via picture on their phone tomorrow will get extra credit.

    After covering this information we are going to work to finish FA8.  We are not working very hard in class, and I can tell because as I look around the room at the times that everyone is posting to the speed test posters that we should easily be getting these formatting activities done quicker than what it is taking us.

    So, those who arent done yet will work to get their FA8 done.  If you are done and you have a missing assignment you should work on it.  If you dont have any missing assignments and you do have a competition that can be completed well do that.  For those others you can go to the practice websites.
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    Second Week

    Grades K-1:
    How can I create with KidPix? We will try our best to use and control our mouse. Also, we will use KidPix to: choose/set background, choose/select stamps, type text, save and print.

    Grades 2-5:
    How can I use Word to open and format a document? We will be using Microsoft Word to format a document. We will practice the following: 
    opening a file
    selecting text
    changing the font size and color
    bolding, italicizing and underlining text
    center-align text
    inserting clip art
    spelling check

    How do you keyboard? We wil be visiting BBC Dance Mat Typing to practice our skills.
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    Wednesday, June 15, 2016

    How to Choose a Good Computer

    Keyboard computer is a very important part of the system. It allows you to communicate with the computer. In the absence of a computer keyboard, computer, even with the best configuration is also equivalent to a useless piece of metal.

    If you use the computer for everyday normal word processor or email reading, then keyboard is sufficient and it is advisable to obtain the cheapest around. However, if you use it for gambling but when you spend hours to beat on this subject, it is worthwhile to spend a little time and effort to finding the best keyboard around.

    Most keyboards use PS2 connection. Some of the latest model uses USB 2.0. Even if it does not make much difference, using a keyboard PS2 can release your USB2.0 slot for other devices. If you always go around your keyboard, then the wireless keyboard might be appropriate for you.

    Keyboards computers come in various shapes and sizes. Choose the one that best suits your needs. Keys was ergonomically designed to bring comfort to the user. They come with the natural alignment wrist rest for your wrist in a more comfortable position. If you are a computer user, you can consider making an ergonomic keyboard.

    For Thursday Indeed, it is advisable to get a game pad. That observation is the in-game control buttons and programming. A good game such as the keyboard Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard gives you much control over the execution of games. It has 18 keys keyboard programming and also comes with an LCD screen to give you a clearer idea of the game information.

    Zboard Gaming Keyboard is also another good Gaming Keyboard comes with an additional set keys to the first person shooting and action games. The different function keys can also be used to program different commands in a button. Its ease of use allows players to get used to it in a very short time.

    Frequent multimedia user can also benefit from different types of multimedia keyboard available on the market. These keyboards have extra shortcut keys to give you full control of your favorite media player or video. Logitech Media Keyboard is a set of multimedia shortcut keys that gives you convenient access to all your favorite player. I am quite surprised that a keyboard with such functions is as cheap as a simple keyboard.

    The choice of a computer keyboard is actually a very fun thing. Take your time to review the various keyboards and youll be able to find the most appropriate for you in no time.
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    Data Unit Day Five

    (This is a day by day of the Data: Lets do the Numbers Unit in CS Principles. The overview is here.)

    Today is the end of the marking period, so we only had class for 45 minutes.

    We started by posting some of the questions they developed last class about the crime data set we have been looking at. I use the LinoIt website a lot for these kinds of activities. It lets them post sticky notes on a website. Some of these questions are shown above. The advantage is you can sort the sticky notes into piles.

    Next I had them read through the questions and see if they could come up with two broad categories for the questions. We had to talk it through a bit, but they decided some of the questions could be answered with the data they were given, and some needed more information.

    In general this is the difference between being the original researcher and being the end user of data. For the portfolio we are the end user.

    For that last part of class we watched Rick Smolans talk at the Ted Youth conference earlier this year. Skip ahead to minute 11.

    When we come back from break they will be starting with their partner on the data portfolio.

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    Monday, June 13, 2016

    Flash video pizza menu

    Today we will watch the last video related to our vocab lists.  This, in my opinion, is the coolest of all of the videos we have watched!  It is amazing to see what you can do with this software!

    In addition to watching the video I will be showing you how to add the text box borders that are talked about in step 10 on page 2.  The text box/borders are only needed for the inside of the menu - they should surround the 8 different categories on the menu (it acts as a good way to visually separate the 8 different categories).
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    Java video finish Funspots Excel formatting activity

    This video explains what Java is:

    After watching the video you will have the rest of the hour to work on completing the Funspots formatting activity in Excel.  Once you complete the activity look to see if you have any missing assignments, and if you do get those completed and handed in.

    If you have everything done you can either go to the practice websites, work on homework from another class, or read.
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    Saturday, June 11, 2016

    Welcome back!

    Welcome back!  I hope you had a restful and enjoyable Thanksgiving break!

    We have 3 weeks of school left before we are out for Christmas break, and it will go fast.  Be prepared to be busy - we still have several things to accomplish and will be working diligently to get those things done in the next 3 weeks.

    This week is vocab list #9 - Multimedia/Graphics.  Today we are going to watch the video below on streaming video.  If you have vocab definitions for week 9 and have not yet posted them you have until tomorrow night to get that done.

    After watching the video you are going to write in your blog what you did over Thanksgiving break.  The instructions are as follows:

    1. You need to write 2 paragraphs of what you did over Thanksgiving break and post it on your blog.  This includes creating a blog post title (1 pt for the title - total of 4 pts).
    2. Spelling counts, so if you need to spell check what you write click on the ABC/check icon to spell check before you post.  (1 pt)
    3. Grammar also is part of your grade, so make sure you write in complete sentences.  It might be beneficial to think of what youve learned in Language Arts - to write a complete paragraph use 5 sentences.  If you followed this thought process you would have a introductory sentence, 3 sentences with supporting details, and then a summary sentence.  If you did that for both paragraphs your grammar should be fine. (2 pts)
    4. Finally you need to insert an image that is related in some way to what you did at Thanksgiving.  As long as the image is school appropriate you have quite a bit of freedom in choosing what you want to include for your image (2 pts)
    5. Email me a link to your blog.  This should not be a problem as you should have your blog link as part of your signature (if not you may want to do that now).  Make sure to include the 5 proper parts to an email (1 pt).
    I highly recommend that you check your email to see if there is anything that I have sent you regarding a missing assignment.  Some of you submitted the wrong file or forgot to attach a file when you submitted one of the formatting activities and I sent you an email explaining such.  Youll need to submit whatever you didnt previously submit as soon as possible.

    Also, you should check the missing assignments list on the wall - remember, we only have 3 weeks left, so it greatly helps you to turn in anything that is missing.  
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    Vocab Quiz 9 complete FA10

    Today we will review for a few minutes at the beginning of the class, just as we normally do, before we take vocab quiz #9.

    After completing the quiz you need to finish FA10 - the assignment we started yesterday on inserting clipart into Word.  Once you are done with this formatting activity you will need to submit any missing assignments that you have - that list seems to be growing fast!

    Some of you also need to check your email regarding FA8 - I sent an email regarding FA8 to quite a few students as I was grading that assignment because many people only submitted half of the assignment in their email to me (you needed to attach your Word document with the movie summary and then you also needed to send me a link to your URL).

    If you are all caught up you need to go to the practice websites - speed skin on your keyboard!
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    Friday, June 10, 2016

    Data Unit Day 8

    (This is a day by day of the Data: Lets do the Numbers Unit in CS Principles. The overview is here.)


    Cartoon from the National Archive 1919  - Redrawing Europes Map

    Today the students finished the data portfolios.

    I had been thinking this had to be a paper - it is funny in teaching, we tend to fall back to that, worksheets and papers.

    When I came in today and reread the requirements I found:

    A collaboratively developed artifact that communicates a detailed description of your  group’s investigation, the questions, and your collective findings.  You may use any form  of digital artifact (e.g., a report, video, presentation, visualization, or combinations of  these) that allows you to best communicate your investigation and findings.  You and  your partner will each submit the same artifact.  
    So much better. Some groups did Prezis, some did Power Points. Some went ahead and wrote a paper.

    They finished these with enough time to their individual reflections.

    An individually written document that addresses the investigation. Each group member  must write her/his own individual document. In writing the individual document you  must adhere to the Task description above and the Requirements description below in  supplying details of your investigation.  

    So with the proper setup we finished it in three class days.
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    Thursday, June 9, 2016

    ToDo List

    OK, this is one of those weeks where I am lucky to eat lunch, never mind sitting down to eat. Lots of good stuff, but busy!

    So here are some of the things I plan on catching up on:
    • on the Internet of things
    • Software Predicts Tomorrow’s News by Analyzing Today’s and Yesterday’s
    • Commentary: U.S. kids need computer-science education - interesting take on immigration policy and the need for computer science education
    • These APCS GridWorld exercises look really interesting.
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    Wednesday, June 8, 2016

    Vocabulary Google reminders new seating chart Learn Left Shift Key and period

    At the beginning of the hour we will move to our new seats.

    Once at your new seats you can log into your Google account.  We are going to look at how the vocabulary for class works.  This involves using information that is on the class blog and setting up reminders in your Google account (Ill show you how to do this today).  We have our first vocab quiz next week, so some of you will need to get definitions right away.  The only thing we wont be able to go over today is how to use Wikispaces, the website we will use to post definitions on.  We will cover how to do that tomorrow.

    After going through the vocabulary information we will learn 2 new keys; however, todays keys are not letters.  Instead we will learn the Left Shift key (L4) and the period (R3).

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    Tuesday, June 7, 2016

    Complete FA9

    Today you will work on completing FA9 - the instructions are on Mondays blog post.  If you need to print out the instructions you may do so.

    Dont forget that the crossword puzzle is due Friday - if you are done and want to hand that in early that is perfectly ok.

    Also, next week is vocab list #8.  If you have any vocab definitions for next week you need to start planning on getting those done as soon as possible.  Even though they arent due until next Tuesday getting them done now would be wise.
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    Monday, June 6, 2016

    Tubes and Squirrels

    They really are evil.
    OK, For full disclosure, we have a thing about squirrels at our house. Every year we plant tomatoes, and for the past three we have not gotten a single tomato. Now I know you are probably thinking we just dont know what we are doing...But those beautiful, healthy tomato plants are surrounded by eggplant, peppers, swiss chard, peanuts (yes, peanuts), beans, get the idea.

    Unfortunately those beautiful, healthy tomato plants are also surrounded by squirrels. Our octogenarian wiener dog is a bit past the chasing other mammals phase of his life,and the blind Labrador is full on useless at this, so it it rodent city around here.
    And at this point you are wondering what any of this could possibly have to do with computer science. Normally youd be right, but there is a tie in...Tubes.

    I got this out of the library, and it is so good I ended up buying a copy. The author starts his journey to discover the structure of the Internet after some of the aforementioned rodents disrupt his connection to the net.

    I am hoping to get some classroom copies for this next year - it would work well in both the CS Principles class and in the International Baccalaureate Computer Science courses. Great background on the physical structure of the Internet. It is at a level most high school kids should be able to read it. Plus it would work really well with Baker Frankes #hashtagging homework project - which you can find on his course Moodle here with a more complete description given during the CS&IT presentation here.

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    Sunday, June 5, 2016

    CS Principles Pilot Curriculum an Update

    Whew, busy!

    This year has been crazy, but the good kind. Over the past two days I have updated my list of what we are doing in the CS Principles Pilot so far this year. If you are interested, the list is here:

    Etsy shop that was selling the flashcards

    Let me tell you, weve been busy. Digging into what we have covered so far gives me hope we are really moving towards something.

    A side note, the Performance Tasks (nee Portfolio Assessments) have just been updated. If you are in any way working on the CS Principles project you ought to take a look. Of special interest is the new Impact PT that replaces the Internet one from the past two years.

    A technique I am using this year goes back to my days as a debater. I have printed out all of the Learning Objectives on flash cards. Each time I lesson plan on a particular topic I pull the cards that relate. This approach has really let me see the connections in the topics as we go through the material, and has sparked some new ideas for journal topics.

    If there is any interest let me know and I can try to post the flash cards as a pdf for folks to print out.

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    Photoshop video begin pizza menu

    The video we are going to watch today will help you to understand a little more about an amazing piece of software called Photoshop.  This is used in many different graphic design careers, and it is easily the most dynamic image editing software on the market. Since we dont use Photoshop it is a little more difficult to understand just exactly how its used, but again, for what you need to know, just understand that its purpose is to manipulate images in a wide variety of ways.  The video will talk about Adobe Bridge and Camera Raw as these are additional parts of Photoshop - you will not need to know about these things.  

    After watching the video youll have time to work on your pizza menu.  I told you yesterday that I would cover some additional information today...Ill save that for tomorrow and explain it then (you wouldnt have gotten to that part today anyway).  When you are entering your information your speed skin should be on your keyboard.

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    Learn symbols RSS video

    The symbols, many of which are located on the numbers and are used by holding down a shift key and then pressing a number, are more difficult to learn than everything else weve covered.  The biggest reason for that is simply that you dont use these keys very often, and the process of having to combine a shift key with a number increases the difficulty level.

    Today we will cover the diagonal, or forward slash - / (R4), the dollar sign - $ (right shift + L1), the exclamation point - ! (right shift + L4), the percent sign - % (right shift + L1), the less than sign - < (left shift + R2), and the greater than sign - > (left shift + R3).

    This is a vocab week, so if you have definitions they need to be completed by Tuesday night.  Please make sure to get those done as soon as you can.

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    Lawn care service

    Every household owner is aware of that the more you attend to your lawn, the greater it will look like. Those grasses will most certainly be growing so healthily with proper care. Nonetheless, one should know that using too much fertilizer and chemical substances, improper trimming and the likes could ruin a good yard. You should know which kind of grass would suit perfectly in your town and the right height for your grass should be investigated well. There might be times when grasses would turn dark brown, this could be normal in most cases especially when the heat during summer is too aggressive. Quite often, it would be the best option to hire a lawn care service to keep the lushness in your garden.
    There are a lot of amazing benefits that you could get from hiring a competent lawn care service. To begin with, you are putting more value on your property if you need to sell it. Buyers dont just study the insides of the house but also the natural environment outside. First impression starts inside your front yard! Second, if you would want to stand out from all of those other neighborhood, you just might need some expert hands to help you with the hard work. What is great about them is that they could will give you unique landscape design which will match the theme that you want to imply on your home. This would be an added attraction not just to your family and guests but also to passersby.
    Another advantage you could benefit is the additional services that they offer. They just dont look after the lawn itself but also the whole surrounding which consists of the trees, shrubs and garden. Maintenance such as trimming, grooming and fertilizing everything might be done. Your yard would be perfect for occasions like picnics, events, al fresco dining with family and friends. A good ambiance would may also increase the appetite of your guests. Lastly, with these professionals, they could give you some good advices on the kind of maintenance system like the irrigation, sprinklers and the likes for your area. That can save you a hefty amount of money upon choosing the correct tools.
    Not all of you have green thumbs. You have to admit you dont have the expertise and knowledge to properly take care from the lawn. Sometimes, it would do harm than good if you actually insist on trying. By hiring the professionals, they could give you some as well you could enjoy on your own. The thought of working outside on the hot summer day could be so relaxing; however, that isnt always the situation. The truth is, it could really be so unpleasant. These people could better do it all for you, they choose to complete such work and they have the right equipment to allow it to be all change. Just sit back, relax and watch how your own lawn transforms! Local lawn care service provider
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    Saturday, June 4, 2016

    Vocab quiz 6 finish FA2

    We will take a few minutes at the beginning of the hour to review, using our class wikispaces page, for Vocab Quiz 6.  Do not go to Classmarker until I tell you to.

    Once you have completed the Quiz you can complete FA2.

    If you are done with FA2 you can go to any of the practice websites on the blog - make sure your Speedskin is on your keyboard.

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    What is Missing from the Next Generation Science Standards

    The Next Generation Science Standards were published on May 11th.

    This week the CSEd Week Blog a great post about why computer science should be included in these standards.

    From the post:

    While the math standards are well on their way to being implemented and assessed, Achieve’s new effort on the science standards is still in development, and they need to hear from you about the importance of having real, engaging computer science in these standards.

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    Friday, June 3, 2016

    Fixing Album Art in Windows 8 Media Player

    Fixing Album Art Image in Windows 8 Media Player

    Almost each and everyone out there in the World is familiar with Album Art when it comes listening to music.  For the ones who dont know it, it is a small picture shown when we play a soundtrack on a player that supports Album Arts.

    Images are Copyrighted to Their Respective Owners

    On Windows 8 systems and Windows 7, we notice sometimes we are seeing same Album Art for each and every track we play in a specific folder or a common folder for all soundtracks.  This is a common problem in Windows 8 default Windows Media Player but very annoying if you love Album Art and want to keep it up to date with the soundtracks you play.

    To Fix this issue, follow these steps below:

    1. Exit Windows Media Player.
    2. Open Run Command Prompt by pressing (Window Key + R).
    3. Type exactly in bold or copy-paste into Run prompt and press Enter key,
    4. Find and Delete Media Player folder.

    5. Restart Windows Media Player.
    Note: Windows Media Player automatically rebuilds the database.

    Hope this helps.

    Do comment and enjoy...
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    Make an Inside Out Computer

    For the end of the year my AP students are working on projects. This year I left it very open ended, use anything in the lab and just make something awesome.

    They can make with code or something physical. I have students doing everything from a scratch version of Doom to building a cell phone signal amplifier.

    One of my favorites at this point is this - the Inside-Out Computer. The parts are all recycled from a couple of old 486s that were donated. Once we can find a non USB mouse the plan is for them to load Linux on it.
    Im pretty excited about having this in the lab next year when we need to teach hardware. 

    I am particularly excited about this for next year when we go over computer hardware. Having a running computer while you point out all the various parts and pieces seems like it will be very helpful.

    Basically theyre attached all the parts to an old plastic crate using zip ties. The have booted it up several times and it works perfectly, except for the no mouse thing.

    We have five weeks from the AP exam until the end of the school year, which is a lot of time to fill. In order to get grades on the books I give them a daily Ted Talk to watch and respond to on a discussion board. More on that later.

    Update: Another student turned in their final project today. It is a bike with a chainsaw motor added to make a moped. Did all the welding themselves. I was kind of expecting a poster, then they rolled this in:


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